A long, slim and sloping sandy site becomes a verdant and vibrant garden.


Photography by Lewis Stevenson & Brent Wilson

A fascinating modern house of raw concrete, steel and timber cascades down a west-facing block on a long, steep slope. The garden settles around it, providing discrete and diverse garden spaces, each with their own character and interest. Created for two busy doctors and their family, the garden is tranquil, rejuvenating and life-affirming. 

The concept of ‘River Delta’ defines the garden design.  The mouth of the river opens at the back of the property; a garden of lush, tropical planting around a sparkling pool.  Moving down, the garden opens to more temperate planting in private spaces. At the front, it opens out to sweeping, open and arid plains where planting becomes native to local sand dunes and coastal winds. An abundance of silver and blue flowers and foliage reflect sea and sky. High above on the gravel-top roof garden, tough, beautiful, drought-tolerant plants are, in late summer, awash with colour and swaying grasses.