The pulse of the landscape: Exploring big ideas


It is now imperative for us to understand and honour the land in which we live and with which we work, and our relationships with it.

Australian Landscape Conference 2021

We had the privilege of attending the recent Australian Landscape Conference in Melbourne; a superb curation of Australian and International land carers, designers and ecologists. Each spoke from their area of expertise - be it understanding the Aboriginal Songlines and relationship to the land, regenerative farming, plant community ecology, the spirit of a place, or design work in different areas of the world.

While each speaker presented a specific area, all conveyed a similar message: it is now imperative for us to understand and honour the land in which we live and with which we work, and the myriad relationships with it. We need to know the Earth spiritually through story and sense, know its physical ecology, understand both the science and passed down traditional knowledge. We must understand our relationships to the land and how it affects our relationships with each other. This must be the foundation of our everyday work.

This wholistic approach is not new to us. The very essence of our work is understanding that every garden, every piece of land with which we work, needs to be a healing, energetic, ecologically correct space that encourages life in all its forms. We work with the relationships of plants to land and people to place.


We work with the relationships of plants to land and people to place.

We have to step forward in our role of leadership and responsibility to the land, community and environment. As landscape designers, acknowledgement of the land is a foundational pillar of our work. A deep understanding of the environment and ecology allows us to create beautiful, sustainable and healing spaces. A deep understanding of the materials of the Earth enables us to use them to create magical spaces where the energy of the natural world can rise up into our lives.

We look forward to creating beautiful spaces - gardens! - with you, to bring vitality back into the land, to support our greater environment, communities and ourselves.
