Fire alight in our hearts - a new beginning


The fires have woken us up – woken us up to a changing world, to the fact that things are not as they used to be, or should be.  

From the ferocity of the fire and heat has risen a response that is as ferocious, a fire in my heart of determination, direction and courage, a new sense of responsibility to the Earth, and to each other.  Now it is time to use this woken energy and passion to build, to nurture, to grow, to re-build the way when our path looks barren, make better choices and have faith in our ability to heal. We all play a vital role in the web of life and can make a difference to the world – each in our own way.  

The energy that flows powerfully through the Earth flows through each plant, tree and patch of ground.  As the life force flows more actively through our plants and soil, it flows to us and energizes us. We need to water, nourish and care for the plants and let them flourish for us – they will lift our spirits and freshen our homes, gardens and allow our cities to breath.  As we nurture them, we nurture ourselves.  

Inject love and energy into our communities – local and across the world.  We have seen the true nature of our communities which have offered love, care, affirmation of life, we have experienced the hands held out to help.  And again, as we communicate with and care for each other respectfully, we strengthen our connections and care for ourselves.   

The fires have reminded us of our love for this Earth, our home, of our need for this beautiful Earth to be safe, balanced and bountiful.  They have reminded us of our place on this living Earth and have ignited the fires in our hearts of determination and responsibility to contribute our part in the healing and care – of the Earth, and of each other.

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